Ciana and I are on a new path to expand our holistic wellness and coaching practices by including Hypnotherapy services at our new office in Boulder, CO, offering mindfulness nature immersion seminars and expanding The Wilderness Institute's therapeutic outdoor retreats and events through our new home and Outdoor Center in the Rockies Front Range! (Only about 30 minutes from both Boulder and Rocky Mt.s Nat'l Park!)
We are so grateful for all of friends and supporters that have shared our vision of helping others through our outdoor adventures for personal growth. We intend to continue our services as well in Malibu and the Santa Monica Mountains NRA, but will now include the Roosevelt Nat'l Forest and the Rocky Mountains as our learning lab and home playground!
Peace and love! Ciana and Brad

Check out some photos of our leased 11.5 acre "Spring Gulch Ranch"! (notice the rock climbing formations, fishing pond, stable, and that it borders the national forest!)